Being that our label is owned by fans of punk rock and the bands we work with are all lifers like ourselves, we thought we would do our own top 10 albums of 2015 culled from our growing roster of artists.

Next up we asked Chad Ruiz of SKIPJACK.

Good riddance-peace in our time

Margate-beards in paradise

Strung out-transmission alpha delta

Eken is dead-Full disclosure

Joey cape- stitch puppy


Fast asleep-outside the fence

Sic waiting-derailer

Clutch-psychic warfair

Chris isaak-first comes night

I was asked to say a few things about these records. I believe most of these records speak for themselves, but I will do my best to break down at least a few of these as I believe they have some important topics to hit on.

First of all the good riddance album, peace in our time was like a dream come true. I have made no bones about the fact that good riddance has always been one of the most influential bands in my life. Getting a chance to work with them over the last few years has been not only an honor, but a privilege to get an opportunity to know these fellows firsthand and really put to rest the fact that they are the real deal. Not only are they the best group of guys, but when you end up in the thank you list of your favorite band, it has to be your number one record of the year.

The Eken Is Dead release, is just brutal. Not only is Chris probably my favorite lead singer to watch, but they are so caring and such amazing guys, every single one of them. Anybody who meets these guys would be surprised at how energetic and absolutely gnarly their music is, by what sweethearts they are.

I could be compared to an 11-year-old girl 10 years ago towards Justin Bieber, when it comes to my love of Margate. Everything about their new record is just awesome. To start off with, definitely the best artwork of the year. They are the most in tune, on the ball Radest to sing-along band ever live. Which is a very tough statement to make, with Strike Twelve out there in the scene.

The new slayer record is just pure awesome. Here’s where I’m going to go against the grain and say something that most will probably disagree with me, I actually think the drums kind of suck on it. But nonetheless I was not disappointed at all and left the new record on my stereo for a good solid week. Dave Lombardo please.

The new sic waiting record not only does not have one track that you would skip through, but they are also some of the coolest dudes around. Their new record is one of those well-rounded records that you could listen to while angry or sad. Or you could just leave it in stereo on loop for a 10 hour car ride and not really think about changing it at all. I definitely think it will hold its weight for the long-haul, and will always be one of those go to Records.

If you haven’t heard fast asleep yet, you’re just lame. The only thing I can say about this is, they are massive.

Transmission alpha delta is now officially my second favorite strung out release, this thing is just awesome from start to finish. It sucks you in and makes you want to learn the words and sing along to them. It also makes a bullshit hack guitar player like myself really want to just tuck my guitar away and not even attempt to shred. It’s strung out at its finest.

The new Joey cape record is the most evolved record he has done. Not only in a different character, but it just is one of those records that you could listen to and know that he was into 110%. Certain records you can hear art from the heart and it shows,, Stitch puppy is that record.

You’re probably surprised by the clutch and Chris Isaak CD on my list, but I actually don’t listen to too much punk. Clutch has just always been the Raddest band to put in headphones when you need to get shit done. And their new CD is exactly that, it’s a clutch record. And Chris Isaak is just plain cool, I’m not sure how many points will be deducted on a cool guy scale, i’m probably being removed from peoples Guest list as we speak. But I like Chris Isaak. And I love you.


Join us tomorrow as we have our resident acoustic artist Aaron Jones hits us with his list.




